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Adult Programs

Passive Programs

Winter Watch Challenge

Join us for a Winter Watch Challenge. We know it’s cold and snowy so why not curl up on the couch and watch some tv and try to complete our Winter Watch Challenges? For each challenge you complete you earn one entry into a draw for a prize. Challenges include watching a movie from the year you were born, watching a movie based on a book, plus several more. Runs from January 1st until March 28th. 

March Madness

It’s time for March Madness, Library style! We are pitting 16 authors from various genres against each other to discover who will emerge as the ultimate champion! Cast your votes in the Library or on our Facebook and Instagram pages for your favourites. Read a book by one of the featured authors for a chance to win a Library tote bag!

Figuring out a new device? Looking to try a new app? If you’ve got a tech question, big or small, book a free appointment today for one-on-one tech help. Appointments are 30 minutes long.

When: Tuesdays from 10am-12pm and Wednesdays from 1pm-4pm
Who: All Ages
Registration:  Required - Please call the Library at 705-687-3382 or email Sarah

Did you participate in a program? Tell us what you liked and any suggestions or other comments.

Program Evaluation

To watch past author talks, special presentations or programs please visit our YouTube channel

Contact Us

Gravenhurst Public Library
180 Sharpe St W. Gravenhurst, ON

Monday: 10 am - 5 pm
Tuesday - Thursday: 10 am - 8 pm
Friday: 10 am - 5 pm
Saturday: 10 am - 4 pm

T. 705-687-3382


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