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Animal and Pet Services

The Town of Gravenhurst is a pet-friendly community. Our Animal Services team works to ensure the safety of people and pets in Gravenhurst.

Please call 705-687-3412 ext. 2241 or ext. 2905 or email us for inspection or enforcement of canine control matters.

Animal Cruelty/Animal Welfare

If you believe that an animal is in distress or being abused, please contact the Provincial Animal Welfare Services (PAWS) at 1-833-9-ANIMAL (264625) Cruelty to any animal is not tolerated in Ontario. 

Dog bites or attacks

In the case of dog bites or attacks, the Department urges the public to contact our Bylaw Enforcement Department at 705-687-3412, ext.2905.  In case of an emergency please contact the Ontario Provincial Police at 1-888-370-1122.

The Town of Gravenhurst is home to many different types of pets and companion animals. Less common type of exotic pets would be lizards, spiders, snakes and more.  Before purchasing or acquiring an exotic pet, ensure you are aware of the regulations and by-laws that are stated in the Town Wildlife Animal Control By-Law.

The Town of Gravenhurst is full of wildlife ranging from reptiles, fish, birds and mammals. It is very important to observe all wildlife from safe distances.

If you still have questions about wildlife, please call the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry at 1-800-667-1940 or visit their website

Injured wildlife

For injured wildlife in Muskoka you can contact Aspen Valley Wildlife Sanctuary - Home


We recommend that you spay or neuter your cat(s). Cats can reproduce at a rate of 18 kittens per year. If we all do our part and spay/neuter our feline friends we can help decrease the overpopulation and limit the amount of homeless animals in our community.

Below are some helpful tips to deter cats from entering onto your property:

  • Plant “Rue herb” (flowering herb) in your garden
  • Plant “Plectranthus caninus” (coleus) better known as “Scary Cat Plant” in your garden
  • Both of the plants above can be ordered through your local garden nursery

Use a margarine container and bleach

  • Plant a clean margarine container with holes punched in the lid. Place a cloth soaked in household bleach into the container and replace the lid. Place the container in the area where you want to keep cats out. The odour of the bleach coming through the holes in the container lid is a deterrent.

Other Remedies

  • Other remedies include lavender, crushed red peppers, pinecones, ground up orange peels, white vinegar or commercial cat repellent

If you have any questions regarding these tips, please contact the OSPCA Orillia Branch


To keep your pets safe, the Town licences dogs to help reunite lost animals with their owners. A dog licence is the best protection your dog can have; it speaks for those who cannot speak for themselves.

If you're a full or part-time resident, you must obtain a dog licence(s) for your dog(s).

Staff Sergeant Larry Bigley K9 Park is more than a toss of a bone, it is a new leash on life for our furry friends – It's Gravenhurst's newest dog park.

Staff Sergeant Larry Bigley K9 Park

Dogs are legally permitted to run off leash under the supervision of their owners/handlers.


The park is located at the south end of John Street and is a safe haven from traffic and other hazards where our best friends can frolic and socialize safely.


Please remember
  • All dogs must be properly licences by the Town of Gravenhurst in accordance with By-law 2018-26
  • No food allowed in the park
  • Poop and scoop (please bring your own bags)
  • Keep your dog leashed until you are inside the double gate area and leash your dog when exiting.
  • Any dog exhibiting aggressive behaviour must be leashed and removed from the park
  • You are responsible for your dog(s) and are liable for any injury caused by a dog under your supervision
  • Dogs that are sick, aggressive, in heat or without current vaccines are not allowed in the park
  • Dogs that are too young for vaccinations are not allowed in the park
  • Pitbulls must be muzzled and on a leash
  • Pinch, spike or choke collars are not allowed
  • Children must be supervised, this is NOT a playground

All users of the Off-leash area are subject to the Dog Owners Liability Act, R.S.O. 1990 C. D.16

Walking Your Dog

When walking your dog(s) they must be on a leash no longer than six feet in length when off its owner's property. They must be maintained under control at all times.


No owner shall allow persistent barking, whining or other similar persistent noise making by any domestic pet. This prohibition is in effect 24 hours a day.

Dog Behaviour and Training Tips

Need help training your pet? The OSPCA has provided the following information on pet training and behavioural problems:

  • How to choose a dog trainer
  • Four questions to ask to understand your pet
  • Dog park etiquette
  • Helping cats and dogs to get along
  • How to handle jumping
  • Muzzle training your dog
  • House training your adult dog
  • Wonderful walking tools
  • Teaching loose leash walking
  • Crate training tips

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