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Gravenhurst Council Highlights - Dec. 19, 2023

Sign bylaw variance request

Matthew Somerville of Planscape made a deputation to council.

Somerville, representing Stellar Outdoor, requested a variance to the town’s sign bylaw.

Council denied the request.

Read the related staff report.

Watch the presentation.

Council passes resolution supporting Hospice Muskoka funding request

Council passed a resolution supporting Hospice Muskoka's bid for sustainable provincial funding. 

As a result, the town will send a letter to Queen's Park supporting Hospice Muskoka's request.

Watch the discussion.

Review a related letter from Hospice Muskoka

Learn more about Hospice Muskoka.

Elexicon Advisory Committee update

Council received for information a report from Elexicon Advisory Committee members Rob Abbott and Richard Corcelli.

Elexicon Energy is a regulated electricity distribution company that serves a number of municipalities, including Gravenhurst.

In total, the company provides electricity to 6,524 customers in the Gravenhurst area.

Noted in the report are details about the company’s corporate giving program. In 2023, Elexicon contributed $13,020 to local organizations.

See the report to learn more

Watch the discussion.

2024 Interim levy and temporary borrowing bylaws

Council members received the 2024 Interim Levy and Temporary Borrowing Bylaws Report for information.

The purpose of the report is to provide background information to a request that council approve the related bylaws.

Under the Municipal Act, the town may issue an interim tax bill pending council adoption of the 2024 tax rates. It may also establish a line of credit for potential temporary borrowing needs during the fiscal year.

See the related report to learn more.

Later in the meeting, the related bylaws were passed.

Bylaw No. 2023-114-2024 Interim Levy.

Bylaw No. 2023-115-2024 Temporary Borrowing.

Pahapill and Associates named town auditors

Council appointed Pahapill and Associates Professional Corporation as the town’s auditors for a five-year term from 2023-2027.

The Huntsville-based firm was selected through an RFP process.

See the staff report to learn more.

Building bylaw amendments approved

Council members approved amendments to the town’s building bylaw.

The amendments grant the chief building official the authority to extend the date that building permits must be closed by for the related deposit to be returned to the applicant.

See the staff report to learn more.

Bylaw No. 2023-118 Amendment to Building Bylaw.

Tender awarded for Pinetree Road Bridge rehabilitation

Town council awarded the Pinetree Road Bridge rehabilitation project to McPherson-Andrews Contracting Ltd. at a cost of $168,087, excluding HST.

Inspection of the bridge identified the need for rehabilitation work.

See the staff report to learn more.

2023 Annual Accessibility Status Report

Council members received the annual accessibility report for information.

The town has a multi-year accessibility plan, and the annual report notes the progress made to implement the strategies identified within the plan.

See the report to learn more.

2023 Accessibility Survey results

The results of the Accessibility Advisory Committee’s survey on accessibility were received for information.

Council directed the committee to work through the survey results and report through the committee’s 2024 work plan with meaningful projects to support the survey results.

The committee will re-engage with the community with an additional survey at a later date.

See the report to learn more.

Watch the related presentation.

Council adopts License of Occupation Policy

Council adopted a License of Occupation Policy.

The purpose of the policy is to provide a procedure for authorizing property owners to construct and/or maintain encroachments on town lands where it has been demonstrated that it is not practical or possible to relocate such encroachments.

Read the related staff report.

Review the policy.

Watch the discussion to learn more.

Committee of Adjustment appointments

Council appointed members to the town’s Committee of Adjustment.

See the related staff report.

See the related bylaw.

High praise for Santa Claus parade participants

Councillor Jo Morphy praised Town of Gravenhurst staff for their volunteer efforts at the Santa Claus parade.

Watch to learn more.

Communities in Bloom

Councillor Sandy Cairns spoke to council about the Communities in Bloom initiative.

Watch to learn more.

Council supports Local Immigration Partnership

Council supported the District of Muskoka’s application to establish a Local Immigration Partnership and agreed to provide the district with a letter of support.

District councillor Erin Strength shared additional details with council.

Watch the discussion to learn more.

Update from Mayor Heidi Lorenz

Mayor Heidi Lorenz thanked staff for their contributions to the town over the past year and wished everyone a Merry Christmas.

She said council looks forward to a great year in 2024.

Watch the update to learn more.  


Council Highlights

Council Highlights is prepared as an overview of the council meeting. For the official record, please refer to the agenda and minutes on the town website at

Watch the meeting: 

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