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Gravenhurst Council Highlights - Feb. 11, 2025

Gravenhurst Health Hub presentation

The Rotary Club of Gravenhurst and the Cottage Country Family Health team made a presentation to council, asking the town to partner with them to develop what they are calling the Gravenhurst Health Hub.

The hub would involve the development of the vacant second floor of the medical centre next door to the Gravenhurst municipal office.

The space would offer a variety of medical services.

Currently, the health team occupies the first floor of the medical centre.

Bruce Hemphill, chair of the Gravenhurst Health Hub, led the presentation and asked that the town partner with the two organizations – a request that included an ask for $200,000 in financial support.

He said they plan to raise funds to develop the space so it can meet the growing medical needs of residents.

Hemphill noted they have a steering committee currently made up of four representatives from each organization.

They see the hub “transforming care” in a number of ways. 

This includes attracting new doctors and expanded diagnostic services.

Hemphill said they see the project unfolding in three phases.

He said the first phase will happen this year and they estimate the cost to be $750,000.

Phase 1 would include the retention of three new primary care physicians.

Phases two and three would happen the following year and possibly into 2027. 

He said they see the primary care facility being capable of running seven days a week, up to 12 hours per day, starting January 2026.

The total project cost is approximately $1.7-million, he said. 

He said to make their vision possible they would like a commitment from the town of $200,000 to launch phase 1 of the project this year.

He also asked for permission to work with town staff on a fundraising campaign for the project.

Mayor Lorenz thanked Hemphill for the presentation and noted the town has worked diligently with the family health team for the past few years in an effort to secure funding for the development of the second floor of the medical centre.

She said that during the 2025 budget deliberations the town confirmed, in principle, the support and funding commitment for development of the space. 

She said the town looks forward to continuing to work together on the hub project.

CAO Scott Lucas noted the town will review the plans as proposed by the Task Force for the hub and report back to council on what can be done to continue to assist.

Lucas added the town will be in touch with hub representatives later in the month to continue discussions.  

Watch the presentation.

Council receives remuneration and expenses report

A report outlining the remuneration and expenses paid to council and committee members in 2024 was received for information.

Staff prepare the report each year for council as per stipulations in the Municipal Act. 

Review the report.

Review past reports.

Council updates Development Charges Interest Rate Policy

Council approved changes to the town’s Development Charges Interest Rate Policy.

The changes were made so the policy aligns with updated provincial legislation.

Staff provided an overview of the changes in a report that council received for information. 

Read the report to learn more.

Tender awarded for new sand dome

Council approved hiring SST Group of Construction Companies Ltd. to build a new sand dome at a cost of $382,181, excluding HST.

The dome will replace a similar structure that was destroyed in December.

That dome, based at the public works yard, collapsed early on the morning of Dec. 8 due to the significant amount of snow on it.

The incident occurred while the town was under a state of emergency because of a substantial snowfall in the community and the related prolonged closure of Highway 11.

The town issued a tender call for the new dome on Dec. 17.

Three companies bid for the project with the lowest bid from SST.

The new dome is expected to be completed by early May.

Andrew Stacey, director of infrastructure services, noted the town is preparing an insurance claim for the dome that was destroyed.

If the claim is not successful, he said, the town will use funds from the capital program and the Community Reinvestment Reserve to cover project costs.

Read the staff report.   

Council endorses Municipal Service Delivery Review

How the Town of Gravenhurst will deliver services to the community is poised to change in the coming years.

Council received the Municipal Service Delivery Review for information and endorsed, in principle, using the findings as a guide for future decision making about staffing resources and the organizational structure of the town.

Watch the presentation.

Read the staff report.

Review the news release.

Accessibility Committee 2025 Work Plan

Council approved the Accessibility Advisory Committee’s 2025 Work Plan.

The plan contains four objectives for the year ahead.

Watch the discussion.

Read the staff report.

Review the 2025 Work Plan.

Terence Haight grants and CIP grants approved: council

Council members OK’d grants through the Terence Haight Financial Assistance Program and the Community Improvement Plan Program.

Council approved the funding on the recommendation of the Community Grants Committee.

Terence Haight grants will support a number of local organizations, including the Gravenhurst Curling Club, the Royal Canadian Legion, Trinity United Church, and the Severn Bridge Agricultural Society. 

Community Improvement Plan grants will assist with several façade and structural improvements to local buildings.

Watch the discussion.

Read the staff report for details.

Learn more about the Terence Haight Financial Assistance Program.

Learn more about the Community Improvement Plan Program.

BIA placed into dormancy

Council approved placing the Gravenhurst BIA into a three-year period of dormancy in accordance with the previously approved council policy and support framework.

They also directed staff to review the structure of the BIA and its geographic area.

Staff are to report back on their findings.

Staff note in a related report that by placing the BIA into a state of dormancy a proper evaluation can take place.

Watch the discussion.

Read the related staff report.

Exemption for Coldest Night of the Year

Gravenhurst Against Poverty (GAP) will be allowed to have firepits at Muskoka Wharf during the Coldest Night of the Year event on Feb. 22.

Council granted approval to the activity on the advice of staff.

In doing so, they authorized GAP an exemption from the bylaw that regulates the use of the wharf. 

The Coldest Night of the Year is an annual fundraising walk for GAP, which hopes to raise $185,000 to support various initiatives.

GAP members asked last month for permission to have the firepits.

Council directed staff to consider the request and report back.

The approval comes with several fire safety stipulations.

Watch the discussion.

Read the related staff report.

Learn more about the upcoming event.

Learn more about GAP.  

Muskoka Watershed Council update

Councillor Peter Johnston provided his monthly report on the Muskoka Watershed Council.

As part of the update, he noted planning for the next integrated watershed management conference has started and that the event will take place in Gravenhurst.

Watch the update.

ROMA update

Councillor Penny Varney provided an update on the recent Rural Ontario Municipal Association Conference.

Held in late January, the conference took place in Toronto and featured a variety of interesting speakers.

Watch the update.

Update from the mayor

Mayor Heidi Lorenz provided her monthly update.

Mayor Lorenz also attended the Rural Ontario Municipal Association Conference and said she found it interesting.

As well, the mayor spoke about the United States tariff issue.

She said the town is monitoring the situation, adding Gravenhurst might need to make changes to its procurement strategies.

She encouraged people to buy Canadian and support local businesses.

Additionally, Mayor Lorenz noted the Gravenhurst Winter Carnival is happening Feb. 14 to 17.

She thanked everyone who helps make the carnival possible and encouraged all residents to attend. 

Mayor Lorenz also noted the Gravenhurst Connection has started arriving in mailboxes.

The Connection is the town’s new quarterly print newsletter.

And she also extended best wishes to residents over Family Day weekend.

Watch the update.

Council Highlights

Council Highlights is prepared as an overview of the council meeting. For the official record, please refer to the agenda and minutes on the town website at



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