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Gravenhurst Council Highlights - Jan. 21, 2025

Rilynn Jones wins this year’s Gravenhurst Winter Carnival button contest 

Local youth Rilynn Jones created the artwork for this year’s Gravenhurst Winter Carnival button.  

Her work was selected through an annual contest the town runs for young people.  

Council welcomed Jones and congratulated her on the winning design. 

The town received more than 130 entries in the contest. These will be showcased during this year’s carnival.  

Jennifer Harris-Lowe, community recreation coordinator for the town, provided an overview of the upcoming carnival and introduced Jones.  

A few days earlier, Mayor Heidi Lorenz presented Jones with a certificate in recognition of her winning design, which features Skokie, an otter, the official carnival mascot since 1971.  

The carnival takes place Feb. 14-17.  

Carnival goers must have a button to gain entry to events. The cost is $10 for ages 13 or older and $5 for ages 6 to 12. Children 5 and younger, free.  

For details on how to purchase a button and other information about the carnival, see the town website 

Property owner requests permission to build road to cottage 

Dr. Adrian Savin made a presentation to council.  

He owns a cottage property on Muldrew Lake and would like to build a private laneway to access the site.  

Currently, the property is water access only.  

Council members asked Dr. Savin points of clarification.  

Mayor Lorenz thanked Dr. Savin for his presentation.  

Dr. Savin left drawings for the proposed road with town staff.  

No further action was provided at this time.  

Council grants exemption for GAP 

Council granted Gravenhurst Against Poverty (GAP) an exemption from the town’s sign bylaw.  

The exemption will allow GAP to erect Coldest Night of the Year signs on municipal property to promote the annual fundraising walk.  

GAP members Greg Poole and Beth Houston requested the exemption during a presentation to council. 

The Coldest Night of the Year takes place Feb. 22 and through the event GAP is hoping to raise $185,000 to support various initiatives. 

In approving the exemption, council directed GAP to remove all its signage from municipal property within 24 hours of the event’s conclusion.  

GAP also requested permission to have firepits near the Lions Pavilion at Muskoka Wharf during the event.  

Council directed staff to consider the request and report back. 

Accessibility Status Report 

Council received the 2024 Annual Accessibility Report.  

The report notes the progress made during the year to implement strategies in the town’s multi-year accessibility plan.  

Council Attendance Report 

Council received the annual Council Attendance Report.  

The report notes the number of council and committee meetings that members attended and the meetings they missed.  

Council members debated the pros and cons of the report.  

2026 Municipal Election Report 

Council received the 2026 Municipal Election Report.  

The report provides an overview of the plans for the administration of the election, including the continued use of internet and telephone voting.  

In receiving the report, council directed staff to prepare a bylaw authorizing the use of internet and telephone voting; and authorized the clerk to select vendors for the provision of voting services, subject to any budget approvals, if required.  

Council also granted the mayor and clerk the authority to execute any agreements required for an internet and telephone voting system.  

Later, council passed a bylaw authorizing the use of internet and telephone voting.  

They also amended the fee schedule in the Administrative Monetary Penalty Bylaw as it applies to updated Election Sign Bylaw.  

The next municipal election is Monday, Oct. 26, 2026.  

Annual Communications Report 

Council received the 2024 Communications Report.  

The report provides an overview of the steps taken in 2024 to implement the town’s Communications Strategy.  

The document also outlines plans for 2025.  

Mike Gennings, the town’s communications specialist, reviewed the report with council members.  

Council endorses Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Mitigation Plan 

Council received the Corporate Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Regional Climate Change Mitigation Plan Report for information and endorsed the plan as a tool to inform the town’s annual budget process.  

“The purpose of the … [report] is to provide Committee an update on Climate Change-related actions that are currently underway and to present the final Corporate GHG Inventory and Mitigation Plan,” wrote Melissa Halford, director of development services, in the related staff report.  

Consultants from Tatham Engineering provided an overview of the plan.  

The plan includes emission reduction targets, including a 45 percent reduction below 2018 levels by 2030 and net-zero by 2050.  

In order to be successful, the plan calls for significant investments in the coming years, including facility retrofits and a shift to EVs for the town’s fleet.  

Council OKs use of reserve funding for fire department project 

Council authorized staff to use $10,000 from the Fire and Emergency Services Reserve to supplement provincial funding for a project.  

In 2024, the town applied for an Ontario Fire Service Grant and received $24,691.  

That money, in addition to the $10,000 from municipal coffers, will allow the town to install air scrubbers in all three fire stations, and personal protective equipment in dressing rooms.  

The scrubbers would remove particulates from the air, many carcinogenic. 

Fire departments can apply to the grant program annually over three years. 2024 marked the first year for the program.  

The focus of the first phase is cancer prevention practices in the fire service.  

Update from the mayor 

Mayor Heidi Lorenz provided her monthly update.  

The mayor noted she attended the recent Rural Ontario Municipal Association conference in Toronto.  

Councillor Randy Jorgensen, Councillor Penny Varney, and CAO Scott Lucas attended the conference as well.  

Mayor Lorenz said a report on the conference will be provided at the next council meeting.  

As well, the mayor reminded people about the upcoming Coldest Night of the Year fundraising walk on Feb. 22.  

She also reminded people that the annual Gravenhurst Winter Carnival is Feb. 14 to 17.  

In addition, Mayor Lorenz noted there will be a special council meeting on Jan. 31 at 9 a.m.  

The focus will be a report and presentation about the state of emergency the town declared in early December.  

Council Highlights 

Council Highlights is prepared as an overview of the council meeting. For the official record, please refer to the agenda and minutes on the town website at 

Watch the meeting: 



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