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Gravenhurst’s Judy Humphries receives Ontario Volunteer Service Award

Mayor Heidi Lorenz, on behalf of council, is pleased to announce that local resident Judy Humphries has received an Ontario Volunteer Service Award. 

Humphries received the award in recognition of her contributions to the Gravenhurst Municipal Heritage Committee and the Gravenhurst Archives. 

An award presentation took place in Huntsville yesterday. 

“It was my privilege to nominate Judy for this prestigious provincial award. The town thanks Judy for her significant contributions towards the preservation of our community’s history. Judy has worked tirelessly through her involvement with our heritage committee and the Gravenhurst Archives,” Mayor Heidi Lorenz said. 

Humphries has been chair of the Gravenhurst Archives since 2015. She has served on the Gravenhurst Municipal Heritage Committee since 2011. Humphries has also assisted several organizations, helping to tell their stories, and is an engaging guest speaker. 

“We are so fortunate to have someone like Judy in our community. Her passion for Gravenhurst’s history helps ensure that future generations will have a better understanding of our town,” Mayor Lorenz said. 

About the Ontario Volunteer Service Award 

The Ontario Volunteer Service Award recognizes individuals for providing dedicated volunteer service to an organization. Award recipients receive a certificate and pin. 

About the Gravenhurst Archives 

The Gravenhurst Archives is based at the Gravenhurst Public Library. The archives hold more than 500 collections. 

Learn more about the archives

About the Gravenhurst Municipal Heritage Committee 

The Gravenhurst Municipal Heritage Committee is an advisory committee of council. The committee advises, assists, and makes recommendations on matters related to local heritage. 

Learn more about the committee


For more information, contact:   

Mike Gennings 
Communications Specialist 
705-687-3412, ext. 2239 

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