Notice of Public Hearing - Committee of Adjustment December 13, 2024
Respecting an application by David BURT
for a variance to lands municipally known as 1271 North Kahshe Lake Road
(Application No. A/23/2024/GR)
TAKE NOTICE THAT the above noted application will be heard by the
Town of Gravenhurst Committee of Adjustment on
Friday, December 13th, 2024
at 9:00 a.m. at the
Gravenhurst Municipal Offices
(Council Chambers)
5 Pineridge Gate
Gravenhurst, Ontario
TO CONSIDER a proposed minor variance application under Section 45 of the Planning Act, 1990, R.S.O. c.P.13, as amended.
AN EXPLANATION of the Purpose and Effect of the proposed minor variance, describing the lands to which the proposed minor variance applies, a Key Map showing the location of the lands to which the minor variance applies, and a sketch (Schedule) showing the proposed minor variance, accompany this Notice.
A NOTICE of this Application has been sent to all property owners within 60 metres of the subject property and to the appropriate officials and agencies according to Ontario Reg. 200/96 under the Planning Act. This Notice has been sent to you for your information and does not require any response unless you wish to make one.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed minor variance, is available from the Development Services Department (Planning Division) by contacting Andrew Clark, Planner, 705-687-3412 ext. 2229 or email or Adam Ager, Manager of Planning Services ext. 2224 or email
PUBLIC HEARING – Any person or agency may attend and provide representation at the hearing and/or make written representation prior to the hearing, either in support of, or in opposition to the proposed minor variance.
ALTERNATIVELY, ANY PERSON OR AGENCY may also provide verbal comments during the meeting electronically using MVI EasyConf Connect Conference System (NOT Zoom), in accordance with Section 238 of the Municipal Act and the Town’s Procedural By-law. A request to address Committee electronically must completed at and submitted prior to 12:00 pm (Noon) on December 12, 2024. Please note that the public hearing is taking place in person and any issues with electronic participation will not prevent the meeting (and a potential decision) from proceeding.
FAILURE TO ATTEND HEARING - If you do not attend the Hearing, it may proceed in your absence and, except as otherwise provided in the Planning Act, you will not be entitled to any further notice in the proceedings.
NOTICE OF DECISION - A copy of the decision of the Committee will be sent to the applicant and to each person who appeared or was represented by Counsel at the Hearing and who has filed with the Secretary-Treasurer a written request for notice of the decision.
Dated at the Town of Gravenhurst
This 2nd day of December, 2024.
Adam Ager
Variances Requested to Zoning By-law
Re: Application No. A/23/2024/GR
BURT, David
Roll No. 030-021-04600
The Applicant is proposing to reconstruct and expand an existing Dwelling, as shown on the attached sketch dated December 2nd, 2024.
The Applicant is requesting the following relief from Zoning By-law 2010-04, as amended:
- Permit a rear lot line setback of 5.4 metres, where 30.0 metres is required and approximately 19.7 metres is existing, representing a variance of 14.3 metres
- Permit a maximum lot coverage of 20.6%, where 5.0% is required and approximately 15.2% is existing, representing a variance of 5.4%
ZONING BY-LAW 10-04, as amended – Residential Backlot (RB-7)
The property is municipally known as 1271 North Kahshe Lake Road (Zoning Grid Schedule No. G08).
Contact Us
Town of Gravenhurst
3-5 Pineridge Gate
Gravenhurst ON P1P1Z3
T: 705-687-3412
TF: 1-855-687-3412