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Paddling Routes

This Kayak route offers a variety of larger lake paddling and quieter bay floating or fishing options.  For the adventure seeker, you can paddle to the south side of the lake and enter Morrison Creek – this leads you to the Trent Severn Waterway system and is not for the faint of heart or beginner paddler - expect portaging, marshes and low water levels at times.  

Launch Location: North Morrison Lake Road – Boat Launch  sand or dock entry available.

Parking – reasonable amount available – avoid island residents area.

Length of Paddle: Up to 8 kms if you go around entire lake

Level of Difficulty: Easy

Notes: Quiet bays and off shoot streams and marshes to explore.  Excellent fishing and waterfowl viewing opportunities.  If paddling close to shore, watch for rock formations and dead heads close to the surface in some areas.

Traditional wind-swept pines and granite outcropping blend with quiet bays and coves to give you a scenic paddle with some hidden surprizes.  Gull Lake also connects to Silver Lake via small narrows.  With multiple launch options, this location gives you quick quiet morning paddles or longer half day or day long adventures. 

Launch Locations:

  1. Gull Lake Rotary Park – Beach or Dock entry available
  2. Moody Drive / Church Street Parkette – Sand or Dock entry available
  3. Hewitt Street Boat Launch – Sand or Dock entry available

Parking – Ample at Gull Lake Rotary Park.  Limited at Moody Drive and Hewitt Street.

Length of Paddle: Up to 10 kms around Gull Lake perimeter,

Level of Difficulty: Easy to Moderate  - depending on duration and weather

Notes: Lily Bay is an excellent location to see beaver dams, marshes and wildlife, as well as numerous Lily Pads and Water Lily’s.  Watch for rock formations underwater near Gull Island. Good fishing options and lots of great photo opportunities.

Tucked away in West Gravenhurst, Turtle Lake is a quiet lake connected to Loon Lake.  With good fishing, lots of turtle spotting, waterfowl and wildlife viewing opportunities it is an excellent lake to hone your skills.  Turtle Lake Marsh is accessible during high water times and offers the nature lover an opportunity to see a marsh eco-system up close.  Navigation over rocks and dead heads may be required to enter this location.

Launch Location: Turtle Lake Boat Launch – sand or dock entry available

Parking – limited locations available mostly along roadside.

Length of Paddle: 2 - 13 kms depending on duration and route

Level of Difficulty: Easy to Moderate

Notes: For a day long paddle, begin at Turtle Lake, paddle to the Marsh, paddle back down to the Loon Lake entrance narrows, paddle Loon Lake.  Approximate distance traveled will be approximately 13 kms

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