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Community Awards Committee

The Community Awards Committee is a Subcommittee of Council responsible for developing and coordinating the Community Spirit Awards celebration, and inductions for the Gravenhurst Lions Sport Hall of Fame.

The Community Spirit Awards celebration is a biennial awards celebration that recognizes outstanding achievement(s), volunteerism, and significant accomplishments of residents in the community to promote a sense of pride within the community.

The Lions Sports Hall of Fame Awards recognize citizens by induction to the Gravenhurst Lions Sports Hall of Fame located at the Centennial Centre.

The Community Awards Committee meets in the designated year, beginning in September and ending in November.

  • Develop and coordinate the Community Spirit Awards celebrations, including the organization of the award ceremony event and management of displays;
  • Develop and coordinate the Gravenhurst Lions Sports Hall of Fame located within the Centennial Centre;
  • Approve and manage the displays of individual and / or team sport inductee recipients for the awareness and enjoyment of visiting patrons;
  • Establish, develop, define and review criteria and processes for award recipients, inductees and sport memorabilia collections in accordance with the established eligibility criteria;
  • Provide recommendations on inductions and award recipients to Council;
  • Plan and host an induction and award ceremony every two (2) years outside of a municipal election year.

The Terms of Reference outlines the purpose and structure of the Subcommittee. The terms are jointly developed and approved by Council, and can change as the nature of work of Council evolves.

View the Community Awards Committee's Terms of Reference.

  • Gord Durnan
  • Kelli Gladu
  • Barbara McNeice-Stallard
  • Heidi Welker
  • Councillor Robinson (Council Representative)
  • Nicole Gray (Staff Liaison)

Agendas and Minutes for this Committee's meetings can be viewed within our Council Calendar when posted.

For more information on Schedules, Agendas and Minutes, please contact the Deputy Clerk/Committee Coordinator.



Please complete this nomination form by following the guidelines shown below. The objective of this program is to publicly recognize outstanding volunteerism, achievement or acts of Good Samaritan to promote a sense of pride within the community.

Areas of volunteerism and/or achievement may include but are not necessarily limited to: arts and culture; visual and performing arts; science and technology; industry and commerce; recreation; social and leisure; health and wellness. The Community Spirit Awards are open to nominations of individuals or groups whose outstanding volunteerism and/or achievement occurred since the last awards ceremony held in November 2019.

Nominations are open to all residents in our community. As youth are an integral part of our community, it is our hope that youth that have made extraordinary contributions be actively engaged in this ceremony. Please take a moment to nominate a deserving person today.


Recognition will be given to individuals, groups, or individual members of groups who have considered Gravenhurst their home and/or whose area of volunteerism and/or achievement has been nurtured in the Town of Gravenhurst. The achievement must be “OUTSTANDING” in nature and must have occurred at a scope beyond the local level. The volunteerism must also be “OUTSTANDING” in nature and can have occurred at the local level, or beyond the local level. An individual who has acted as a Good Samaritan may be nominated for an award. The nominee must be someone who acted in a manner on their own outside of work.

Feel free to contact a member:

Community Awards Committee: 
Chair: Gord Durnan 
Staff Liaison: Shawna Patterson 705-687-3412 x 2129 or 

Each nominator will be notified, indicating that their nomination has been received by the Committee. Individuals or groups who have been selected to receive Town of Gravenhurst recognition will be honored at a special presentation ceremony to be held at the Gravenhurst Opera House on Wednesday, November 22nd at 7:00 pm.


Submit completed nomination forms to the Gravenhurst Centennial Centre, Administration Office.
Email: or mail to: Town of Gravenhurst Attention: Shawna Patterson 3-5 Pineridge Gate, Gravenhurst, ON P1P 1Z3  



Please complete this nomination form by following the guidelines shown below. The objective of this program is to publicly recognize Gravenhurst citizens who have achieved or contributed significantly to sport and/or sport development locally and beyond.

A committee of council has been established to manage the display of inductee recipients as well as other related items of individual and/or team sport significance for the awareness and enjoyment of visiting patrons. The Lion’s Sports Hall of Fame Awards are open to nominations of individuals, citizens or local teams whos’ achievement occurred since the last awards ceremony held in 2016.

Nominations are open to all residents in our community. As youth are an integral part of our community, it is our hope that youth that have made extraordinary contributions be actively engaged in this ceremony.

Recognition will be given biennial (Once, every two years) for the following categories;

A. Individuals who have demonstrated significant local, provincial, national or international achievement in a sport and can confirm that Gravenhurst has been their home.

B. Citizens (volunteers, coaches, officials, sponsors, etc.) who have made significant contributions to the development and/or sustainability of sport opportunities in Gravenhurst.

C. Local Teams that have placed first at Provincial, National or International championships.

D. Sports Memorabilia will not be solicited or intentionally collected on a permanent basis. The sports hall of fame provides several display cases which will showcase sports memorabilia to the community in the following manner:

  • Share the stories and celebrate the achievements of athletes which on site facilities have been named in honour of: i.e., Terry Fox and Graeme Murray.
  •  Provide interested community sports groups an opportunity to share their history and achievements by contributing to the hall of sports with an interactive and informative display (i.e. Minor Hockey, Baseball, Soccer, etc.)
  • Allow for periodic displays commemorating local athletes and their story.
  • Allow for periodic displays of those who have made significant contributions to local sport development by sharing their involvement.
  • Provide space for temporary display of interesting and narrated sports artifacts.

Feel free to contact a member:

Community Awards Committee:

Chair: Gord Durnan 
Staff Liaison: Shawna Patterson 705-687-3412 x 2129 or 

Each nominator will be notified, indicating that their nomination has been received by the Committee. Individuals or groups who have been selected to receive Town of Gravenhurst recognition will be honored at a special presentation ceremony to be held at the Gravenhurst Opera House on Wednesday, November 22nd at 7:00 pm.


Submit completed nomination forms to the Gravenhurst Centennial Centre, Administration Office.
Email: or mail to: Town of Gravenhurst Attention: Shawna Patterson 3-5 Pineridge Gate, Gravenhurst, ON P1P 1Z3

Please fill out your Community Awards Nomination Form here! 

Nomination Form

For a printable form please see the link below.

Printable Nomination Form

View information surrounding Inductees and Sport Memorabilia Collections on our Awards, Grants and Incentives Page.

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